Bullet Party

Bullet Party is a realistic first-person shooting game. Lock and load and let's go. This is the all out shoot first and ask questions never type of first-person battle royale you have been waiting for your whole life. You'll be given the same thing as everyone else: a life, an automatic rifle, a sidearm, a machete, and some Molotov cocktails to spice things up. Realistic renderings and bullet physics are the bread and butter of this hyper-real first-person shooter. You're stranded in a sprawling map in the middle of nowhere and will need to keep your head up and guns front if you wish to survive the battle. There are no teams and everyone is out to get you, its just like real life. Snipe spawn points, do a full auto spray and pray or use Molotov Cocktails and your machete to hack and burn your way through the opposition. Each strategy offers you a world of possibilities and has drawbacks and advantages. Your strategy will depend on who you are and what you wanna do. Are you gonna blow em away from far away or get up close and personal with your machete? It is up to you!
W,A,S,D: Move forward, move left, move right, back-up. Mouse: Aim Reticule Left Mouse Button: Fire Weapon Right Mouse Button: Activate long-range scope Shift: Run Fast Space: Jump C: Crouch Scroll Wheel: Select Weapon. 1: Select AK-47 2: Select Glock 3: Select Machete 4: Select Molotov Cocktail

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